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Optimistic Reinforcement Canine Coaching 101: The Science-Backed Methodology!

adminhk By adminhk

Positive reinforcement training is a dog training method that focuses on rewarding good behavior rather than punishing bad behavior. An increasingly popular training method, positive reinforcement training is also referred to as R+ or force-free  training, since it avoids the aversive methods that are common to some other approaches.    We’ll explain why positive reinforcement training…

Optimistic Reinforcement Canine Coaching: The Science Behind Operant Conditioning

adminhk By adminhk

Positive reinforcement training involves rewarding your dog for the things they do right. The reward could be a toy, a game, or a treat – whatever your dog wants to work for. To some people that sounds like a bribe, not training, and they want their dog to obey just because they should. But positive…